Electronica India 2024 is a trade fair for electronic components, systems, and applications. It provides a platform for electronic industry professionals to showcase their latest products, services, and technologies. The exhibition usually features a wide range of electronic components and equipment such as semiconductors, embedded systems, sensors, test and measurement systems, and more.

Interior today is a complete service-based stand contractor that has designed and formed modular and custom exhibition stands globally for over 15 years. +91 9899771903
Designers at Interior Today design exclusive exhibition stands that are further built under the industry rules, regulations, and standard technology. Our exhibition experts and dedicated project manager ensure to offer end-to-end exhibition-related solutions to the clients round the clock. Other than that, show stand & graphic designers research and invest their creative mind to come up with the client’s bespoke exhibition stand. In order to come up with innovative stand design ideas and deliver business-oriented, our team does critical research in the client’s industry type to understand the respective business. Being the prominent exhibition booth builder company Dubai, Interior Today make sure to execute flawless exhibition stands. Also, we offer custom exhibition booth builder Dubai including exclusive two storey stands and elite country pavilion stands.

Turnkey Exhibition Stall Design & Fabrication At Electronica India 2024 || Interior Today

Interior Today is a well-known exhibition stand builder and contractor that specializes in creating custom designs and buildings for trade shows and events worldwide. We can create an exciting and engaging booth for exhibitors at Electronica India 2024. We have a team of experienced designers and builders who can bring the latest gaming technology and trends to life in the booth design.

Visitors can expect to see various exhibitors from across the world showcasing their latest products and services. The exhibition usually attracts a diverse range of professionals, including engineers, designers, researchers, and decision-makers from the electronics industry.

In addition to the exhibition, Electronica India often includes technical conferences and forums where industry experts and thought leaders can discuss the latest trends and innovations in the field. These sessions may cover topics such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of things (IoT), and other emerging technologies.

How to Select the Right Exhibition Stand Builder for the next exhibition? Interior Today

Some general tips and considerations to help you prepare for your upcoming exhibition stand design and planning at Expo Mart Greater Noida, India:

  1. Start with a clear objective: Determine what you want to achieve from the exhibition. Is it to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or launch a new product? Once you have a clear objective, it will be easier to plan and design your stand accordingly.
  2. Understand your target audience: Who are the visitors attending the exhibition, and what are their interests and preferences? Ensure that your stand design and messaging appeal to your target audience.
  3. Research the exhibition space: Gather information about the exhibition space, including the layout, size, and location of your stand. This information will help you design an effective and efficient stand that maximizes your space and attracts visitors.
  4. Create a unique and eye-catching design: Your stand design should be visually appealing and communicate your brand message effectively. Use colors, graphics, and other design elements to create a unique and memorable experience for visitors.
  5. Plan your marketing and promotional activities: Plan your marketing and promotional activities in advance, including social media campaigns, email marketing, and other outreach efforts to generate buzz and attract visitors to your stand.
  6. Train your staff: Ensure that your staff is well-trained and knowledgeable about your products and services. They should be able to engage visitors and answer any questions they may have.
  7. Follow up after the exhibition: Don’t forget to follow up with leads and contacts after the exhibition. Send them personalized emails, make phone calls, or schedule meetings to continue building relationships and converting leads into customers.
Why Hire Interior Today Exhibition Pvt. Ltd. At Electronica India 2024 Greater Noida, India?

Interior Today is a national and international exhibition stand builder and contractor that provides one-stop solutions for exhibitions and other events. Interior Today offers different services, such as design, fabrication, and full-service installation. Interior Today is one of the leading exhibition booth designers and exhibitors in the world today. We are proud of our innovative designs that not only meet your expectations but can also put your company on a global stage.

We are skilled in designing, fabricating, and installing state-of-the-art exhibition stands of all shapes and sizes. We can take your idea to fruition with our innovative styles of exhibition stand design that are tailored to suit your needs. We have been providing exhibition stall fabrication services for more than a decade now. Therefore, we have understood the essentials of designing for exhibitions. Our knowledge of exhibiting has helped us in multiple successful projects over these years by helping us understand our client’s needs completely. Contact us today to get your exhibition-related offer specifically designed to fit your personal brands.


Turnkey Exhibition Stall Design & Fabrication. Give Us The Specs & We’ll Deliver Quality. Exhibition Booth Design & Fabrication. We Love To Hear Your Questions & Comments. Call Now. Experienced Designer. Turnkey Exhibition Design. Exhibition Stand…We build exceptionally great stands and stalls at exhibitions and trade shows. Hire Interior Today team to build your brand awareness and popularity on the worldwide.

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Date: 11 – 13 September 2024
Venue: Expo Mart, Greater Noida, India

Call us right away and get to know more about our services: To get a free design proposal call us at +48-729365725 or email at hello@interiortoday.in


